Pub Crawl #67
Pub Crawl summarizes, by hard problems, sets of publications that have been peer reviewed and presented at SoS conferences or referenced in current work. The topics are chosen for their usefulness for current researchers. Select the topic name to view the corresponding list of publications. Submissions and suggestions are welcome.
Information Theoretic Security 2021
A cryptosystem is said to be information-theoretically secure if its security derives purely from information theory and cannot be broken even when the adversary has unlimited computing power. For example, the one-time pad is an information-theoretically secure cryptosystem proven by Claude Shannon, inventor of information theory, to be secure. Information-theoretically secure cryptosystems are often used for the most sensitive communications such as diplomatic cables and high-level military communications, because of the great efforts enemy governments expend toward breaking them. Because of this importance, methods, theory and practice in information theory security also remains high. It is fundamentally related to the concept of Science of Security and all the hard problems.
I-O Systems Security 2021 (all)
Management of I/O devices is a critical part of the operating system. Entire I/O subsystems are devoted to its operation. These subsystems contend both with the movement towards standard interfaces for a wide range of devices to makes it easier to add newly developed devices to existing systems, and the development of entirely new types of devices for which existing standard interfaces can be difficult to apply. Typically, when accessing files, a security check is performed when the file is created or opened. The security check is typically not done again unless the file is closed and reopened. If an opened file is passed to an untrusted caller, the security system can, but is not required to prevent the caller from accessing the file. The research is relevant to the Science of Security problem of scalability.
The proliferation and increased capability of “smart phones” has also increased security issues for users. For the Science of Security community, these small computing platforms have the same hard problems to solve as main frames, data centers, or desktops. The research cited here looked at encryption issues specific to Apple’s iOS operating system. For the Science of Security community, this work is relevant to the hard problems of compositionality, human factors, resiliency, and metrics.
Intellectual Property protection continues to be a matter of major research interest. The topic is related to the Science of Security regarding resilience, policy-based governance, and composability.
Location Privacy in Wireless Networks 2021
Privacy services on mobile devices are a major issue in cybersecurity. For the Science of Security community, the problem relates to resiliency, metrics, human behavior, and compositionality.
Magnetic remanence is the property that allows an attacker to recreate files that have been overwritten. For the Science of Security community, it is a topic relevant to the hard problems of resilience and compositionality and has major implications for the Internet of Things and other cyber physical systems.
Multifactor Authentication 2021
Multifactor authentication is of general interest within cryptography. For the Science of Security community, it relates to human factors, resilience, and metrics.
Named Data Network Security 2021
Named Data Networking (NDN) is one of five research projects funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation under its Future Internet Architecture Program. Its goal is to make it easier to develop, manage, secure, and use networks and the Internet. For the Science of Security community, these efforts are relevant to the hard problems of resilience, human behavior, and scalability.
Phishing remains a primary method for social engineering access to computers and information. Much research work has been done in this area in recent years. For the Science of Security community, phishing is relevant to the hard problem of human behavior.
Phishing remains a primary method for social engineering access to computers and information. Much research work has been done in this area in recent years. For the Science of Security community, phishing is relevant to the hard problem of human behavior.
Physical Layer Security 2020
Physical layer security presents the theoretical foundation for a new model for secure communications by exploiting the noise inherent to communications channels. Based on information-theoretic limits of secure communications at the physical layer, the concept has challenges and opportunities related to designing of physical layer security schemes. The works presented here address the information-theoretical underpinnings of physical layer security and present various approaches and outcomes for communications systems. For the Science of Security community, physical layer security relates to resilience, metrics, and composability.
The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is designed to ensure the security of electronic transactions and the exchange of sensitive information through cryptographic keys and certificates. Several PKI trust models are proposed in the literature to model trust relationship and trust propagation. The research cited here looks at several of those models, particularly in the area of ad hoc networks. For the Science of Security community, this work is relevant to the hard problems of resiliency, scalability, human behavior, and metrics.
Science of Security 2020
Many more articles and research studies are appearing with “Science of Security” as a keyword. The articles cited here discuss the degree to which security is a science and various issues surrounding its development, ranging from basic approach to essential elements. The articles cited here address the fundamental concepts of the Science of Security.
Security by Default 2021
One of the broad goals of the Science of Security project is to understand more fully the scientific underpinnings of cybersecurity. With this knowledge, the potential for developing systems that, if following these scientific principles, are presumed secure. In the meantime, security by default remains a topic of interest and some research. For the Science of Security community, this work relates directly to scalability and resilience.
Security Policies Analysis 2021 (all)
Policy-based access controls and security policies are intertwined in most commercial systems. Analytics use abstraction and reduction to improve policy-based security. For the Science of Security community, policy-based governance is one of the five Hard Problems.
Security Risk Management 2021
Managing security risk in cyberphysical systems is a complex process. The work cited here approaches the problem relative to the Science of Security hard problems of human factors, scalability, resilience, and metrics.
Static code analysis is a standard method of testing software prior to production and marketing. Much of the work done in the Science of Security to look at code suggests that these analyses need to address security issues. Methods and practices cited in the research referenced here relate to human behavior, composability, and resiliency.
Static code analysis is a standard method of testing software prior to production and marketing. Much of the work done in the Science of Security to look at code suggests that these analyses need to address security issues. Methods and practices cited in the research referenced here relate to human behavior, composability, and resiliency.
Static code analysis is a standard method of testing software prior to production and marketing. Much of the work done in the Science of Security to look at code suggests that these analyses need to address security issues. Methods and practices cited in the research referenced here relate to human behavior, composability, and resiliency.
Static Code Analysis 2020
Static code analysis is a standard method of testing software prior to production and marketing. Much of the work done in the Science of Security to look at code suggests that these analyses need to address security issues. Methods and practices cited in the research referenced here relate to human behavior, composability, and resiliency.
Static Code Analysis 2021
Static code analysis is a standard method of testing software prior to production and marketing. Much of the work done in the Science of Security to look at code suggests that these analyses need to address security issues. Methods and practices cited in the research referenced here relate to human behavior, composability, and resiliency.
Steganography Detection 2020
Digital steganography detection is one of the primary areas or science of security research. For the Science of Security community, it is relevant to the hard problems are privacy, metrics and composability.
Steganography Detection 2021
Digital steganography detection is one of the primary areas or science of security research. For the Science of Security community, it is relevant to the hard problems are privacy, metrics and composability.
Stochastic Computing Security 2020
Although stochastic computing was historically considered a failure, it may still remain relevant for solving certain problems, including machine learning and control, stochastic decoding, which applies stochastic computing to the decoding of error correcting codes, and image processing tasks such as edge detection and image thresholding. For the Science of Security community, it is of interest relative to resilience and scalability.
Stochastic Computing Security 2021
Although stochastic computing was historically considered a failure, it may still remain relevant for solving certain problems, including machine learning and control, stochastic decoding, which applies stochastic computing to the decoding of error correcting codes, and image processing tasks such as edge detection and image thresholding. For the Science of Security community, it is of interest relative to resilience and scalability.
Stylometry is a method of tracking user behavior across platforms and using techniques such as writing style and keystrokes. If holds some promise as a tool for insider threat detection. For the Science of Security community, it is relevant to human behavior issues and predictive metrics.
Supply Chain Risk Assessment 2020 (all)
Threats to the supply chain in terms of delivery, integrity, content and the provenance of components and parts appear to be growing. The research cited here looks at methods to analyze risk to the security of the supply chain from multiple perspectives in order to develop accurate predictive metrics.
Supply Chain Risk Assessment 2021 (all)
Threats to the supply chain in terms of delivery, integrity, content and the provenance of components and parts appear to be growing. The research cited here looks at methods to analyze risk to the security of the supply chain from multiple perspectives in order to develop accurate predictive metrics.
Supply Chain Security 2020 (all)
Threats to the supply chain in terms of delivery, integrity, content and the provenance of components and parts appear to be growing. The research cited here looks at the security in the supply chain from multiple perspectives, including resilient architectures.
Supply Chain Security 2021 (all)
Threats to the supply chain in terms of delivery, integrity, content and the provenance of components and parts appear to be growing. The research cited here looks at the security in the supply chain from multiple perspectives, including resilient architectures.
Articles listed on these pages have been found on publicly available internet pages and are cited with links to those pages. Some of the information included herein has been reprinted with permission from the authors or data repositories. Direct any requests for removal via email of the links or modifications to specific citations. Please include the URL of the specific citation in your correspondence.
Pub Crawl contains bibliographical citations, abstracts if available, links on specific topics, and research problems of interest to the Science of Security community.
How recent are these publications?
These bibliographies include recent scholarly research on topics that have been presented or published within the stated year. Some represent updates from work presented in previous years; others are new topics.
How are topics selected?
The specific topics are selected from materials that have been peer reviewed and presented at SoS conferences or referenced in current work. The topics are also chosen for their usefulness for current researchers.
How can I submit or suggest a publication?
Researchers willing to share their work are welcome to submit a citation, abstract, and URL for consideration and posting, and to identify additional topics of interest to the community. Researchers are also encouraged to share this request with their colleagues and collaborators.
What are the hard problems?
Select a hard problem to retrieve related publications.
- Scalability and Composability: Develop methods to enable the construction of secure systems with known security properties from components with known security properties, without a requirement to fully re-analyze the constituent components.
- Policy-Governed Secure Collaboration: Develop methods to express and enforce normative requirements and policies for handling data with differing usage needs and among users in different authority domains.
- Security Metrics Driven Evaluation, Design, Development, and Deployment: Develop security metrics and models capable of predicting whether or confirming that a given cyber system preserves a given set of security properties (deterministically or probabilistically), in a given context.
- Resilient Architectures: Develop means to design and analyze system architectures that deliver required service in the face of compromised components.
- Understanding and Accounting for Human Behavior: Develop models of human behavior (of both users and adversaries) that enable the design, modeling, and analysis of systems with specified security properties.