"This Ransomware Sneakily Infects Victims by Disguising Itself With Anti-Virus Software"

According to cybersecurity researchers at Trend Micro, ransomware, called Dharma, which emerged in 2016, has been updated to deceive users into installing it by posing as anti-virus software. New details pertaining to the updated version of Dharma ransomware reveal that the file-locking malware hides inside a fake anti-virus software installation. Researchers suggest that organizations implement stronger cybersecurity practices such as securing email gateways, frequently backing up files, and more, in order to avoid being hit by Dharma and other similar cyberattacks. This article continues to discuss Dharma ransomware in relation to its impact, process, and distribution, along with how organizations can avoid such threats. 

ZDNet reports "This Ransomware Sneakily Infects Victims by Disguising Itself With Anti-Virus Software"

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