"Red Cross Chief: Cyber Attacks Increasing on Hospitals"

Peter Maurer, the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), has brought further attention to the increased execution of sophisticated cyberattacks against hospitals, electricity and water supplies, and other critical civilian infrastructure. There are growing concerns about the destructive cyber operations that can disable electricity supplies and water supplies in war-affected countries, and interrupt essential hospital services during the COVID-19 pandemic. In an informal virtual meeting of the U.N. Security Council, Maurer emphasized that cyberattacks against civilian infrastructure are continuing to grow in frequency and speed of evolution, increasing the possibility of cyberattacks that can cause economic harm, societal disruption, tensions between nations, and impact healthcare for civilians. This article continues to discuss the rise in hostile cyber operations in which hospitals and other critical civilian infrastructure are targeted, as well as the need for preventative measures and increased collaboration among states, the private sector, and academia to improve the security of such infrastructure. 

AP reports "Red Cross Chief: Cyber Attacks Increasing on Hospitals"

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