"Researchers Bypass Airport and Payment Facial Recognition Systems Using Masks"

The implementation of biometrics technology such as facial recognition continues to grow. However, researchers from the artificial intelligence company, Kneron, have proved that facial recognition biometrics is not as strong or foolproof as one would think. The researchers were able to fool facial recognition systems applied at banks, airports, and crossing checkpoints, using high-quality 3D masks of another person's face. The 3D mask allowed researchers to bypass these systems and make purchases under the guise of another person. They also displayed a photo of a person's face to trick a self-boarding system as well as a train station system in which facial recognition is used to allow travelers to make payments. This article continues to discuss the demonstrated use of masks and photos to trick facial recognition systems, as well as the concerns raised by such technology. 

Engadget reports "Researchers Bypass Airport and Payment Facial Recognition Systems Using Masks"

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