"Scammers Mimic ChatGPT to Steal Business Credentials"
Scammers are capitalizing on the popularity of ChatGPT, an Artifical Intelligence (AI) for Natural Language Processing (NLP), by impersonating it in order to infect victims with Fobo Trojan malware and steal corporate account login information. Researchers have seen scammers operating social media accounts that either directly imitate the OpenAI/ChatGPT brand or pose as fan communities. Occasionally, the accounts publish neutral ChatGPT-related information with a malicious link at the bottom. Other times, they post fake credentials for the pre-created accounts that are allegedly used to access ChatGPT. To further encourage potential users, the attackers claim that each account has a $50 balance that can be spent on using the chatbot. The actual program includes a completely optional subscription plan, but is otherwise freely accessible to the public. Unsuspecting social media users who click on the malicious links in these postings are redirected to a ChatGPT site that is nearly identical to the real one. This article continues to discuss hackers faking ChatGPT to hack accounts.
Dark Reading reports "Scammers Mimic ChatGPT to Steal Business Credentials"