"Three Iranian Nationals Charged with Engaging in Computer Intrusions and Ransomware-Style Extortion Against US Critical Infrastructure Providers"
The US has charged three Iranian nationals with allegedly orchestrating a scheme to hack into multiple US victims' computer networks. In order to access and steal data and information from victims' computer systems, the defendants' hacking campaign took advantage of known flaws in widely used network hardware and software applications. Additionally, the defendants carried out encryption attacks against the victims' computer systems, preventing them from accessing their systems and data without paying a ransom. Small businesses, government organizations, nonprofit initiatives, as well as educational and religious institutions were among the many organizations that the defendants victimized. Several critical infrastructure sectors, such as hospitals, transportation companies, and utility providers, also fell victim to the defendants' hacking campaign. This article continues to discuss the US charging three Iranian nationals for orchestrating a hacking and extortion scheme against various US organizations.