"Three Ways GDPR Benefits US Companies"

The European Union's General Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect on May 25, 2018. The purpose of the GDPR is to ensure the protection of personal data belonging to EU residents by enforcing a standard upon any companies that manage this data. The GDPR has a far-reaching impact as any company that conducts business with EU citizens are expected to comply with this regulation, pressuring organizations to improve their efforts in regard to privacy and security. There are ways in which U.S. organizations have benefited from GDPR in that this regulation has pushed organizations to improve their incident response strategies, make great efforts to strengthen Internet of Things (IoT) security, and prepare for U.S. data privacy regulations. This article continues to discuss GDPR and how U.S. organizations have benefited from the regulation, along with the GDPR's next steps. 

Help Net Security reports "Three Ways GDPR Benefits US Companies"

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