"Trickbot Targets 140,000 Victims in 14 Months"
Security researchers at Check Point have discovered that the infamous Trickbot Trojan has targeted customers of 60 big-name brands over the past year, including Amazon, PayPal, Microsoft, Bank of America, American Express, and Wells Fargo. The security vendor claimed that the malware had infected at least 140,000 victims since November 2020, with attackers being careful to target high-profile victims. APAC was the most affected region over the 14-month period, with an estimated 3.3% of organizations impacted. Next came Latin America (2.1%), Europe (1.9%), Africa (1.8%), and North America (1.4%). The researchers noted that the attacks typically begin with phishing emails, including malicious macros. Trickbot began its life as a banking Trojan but steadily grew in sophistication over the years and now features 20 modules that can be executed on-demand to steal data and launch additional malware. The researchers noted that the malware has remained stubbornly persistent by using a decentralized architecture, choosing targets selectively, and deploying anti-analysis techniques.
Infosecurity reports: "Trickbot Targets 140,000 Victims in 14 Months"