"Turkish Cyberspies Targeting Netherlands"

A state-supported cyberespionage group likely affiliated to Turkey has recently been observed targeting numerous public and private entities in the Netherlands for intelligence gathering, Dutch incident response provider Hunt & Hackett reports.  The company noted that over the past year, the advanced persistent threat (APT) actor, tracked as Sea Turtle, Cosmic Wolf, Marbled Dust, Silicon, and Teal Kurma, targeted government, telecommunications, media, and NGO entities, along with ISPs and IT services providers in the country, as part of multiple espionage campaigns.  The company noted that Sea Turtle mainly focused on telecoms, media, ISP, and IT services organizations and targeted Kurdish websites, including some that are PKK (Kurdistan People’s Congress) affiliated.  The company said that the infrastructure of the targets was susceptible to supply chain and island-hopping attacks, which the attack group used to collect politically motivated information such as personal information on minority groups and potential political dissents.  The company noted that Sea Turtle likely used the stolen information for surveillance or intelligence gathering, in line with previously detailed tactics observed in Sea Turtle attacks against organizations in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.


SecurityWeek reports: "Turkish Cyberspies Targeting Netherlands"

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