"University of Utah Pays $457K After Ransomware Attack"

The University of Utah, which has 24,485 undergraduate students, 8,333 graduate students, and 1,592 faculty members, was hit by a cyberattack on July 19th. The adversaries used ransomware and targeted the university’s computing servers for its College of Social and Behavioral Science Unit and rendered them temporarily inaccessible.  The university claimed that no central university IT systems were compromised and that only .02 percent of the data on the compromised servers was affected by the attack. The affected data included employee and student information, but they did not clarify what specific data was affected.  The university paid $457,000 as a ransom payment to the adversaries so that the adversaries would send them the decryption key.

Threatpost reports: "University of Utah Pays $457K After Ransomware Attack"

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