"US and Australia Enter CLOUD Act Agreement"
The United States has entered into an agreement with Australia to share electronic data to help facilitate the investigation of serious crimes. The crimes that fall under the category of serious include terrorism, ransomware attacks, and the sexual abuse of children. The landmark agreement was authorized by the Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act, a bill passed by Congress in 2018. The Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs said that the agreement will offer strong protection for the rule of law, privacy, and civil liberties while helping police to obtain the data they need faster and more efficiently. The Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs also said that this agreement paves the way for more efficient cross-border transfers of data between the United States and Australia so that the governments can more effectively counter serious crime. The CLOUD Act Agreement will now undergo Parliamentary and Congressional review processes in both countries.
Infosecurity reports: "US and Australia Enter CLOUD Act Agreement"