Science of Security Lablet BAA Kickoff Meeting

Date: Feb 28, 2014 8:00 am – Feb 28, 2014 3:00 pm
Location: NSA

Science of Security Lablet Kickoff Meeting

28 February 2014 | National Security Agency – Laurel, Maryland

R2 Large Conference Room
08:00 Introductions from Research Leadership (no slides presented)

Dr. Michael Wertheimer, Director; Mr. Chris Green, Deputy Director
08:20 Roundtable Introductions
08:30 Overview Briefing from SoS Technical Lead

Stuart Krohn
09:00 Break
09:10 Business Briefing, SoS Team

Stephanie Yannacci
09:40 VO Overview Briefing, SoS Team

Heather Lucas
10:10 Break
10:20 CO Briefing (no slides presented)

Cheryl Goodman
Cyber Cafe
10:50 Move to Cyber Cafe Large Conference Room
11:00 VO Demonstration

Katie Dey
11:30 Trusted Systems Research

Mark Sbarra
Noon Scheduling Discussion for Annual & Quarterly Meeting/Lunch Break
1:00 Briefing Given by PIs

David Nicols, Bill Scherlis
2:00 Q&A
2:30 Wrap-up

Stuart Krohn
3:00 Meeting concludes


  • Foundations
  • Science of Security
  • PI Meeting
Submitted by Katie Dey on