"Unmonitored Networks Put US Nuclear Arsenal at Risk, GAO Finds"
A new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) calls on the US Department of Energy (DOE) to take additional steps to prevent insider threats to the nation's nuclear arsenal, including identifying the total number of classified networks across the department in order to fully monitor users' activity. DOE's Insider Threat Program is one of the department's risk mitigation initiatives designed to further protect against insider threats posed by employees, contractors, and trusted visitors. The GAO's report assessed the program's effectiveness. Even though the program was established in 2014, multiple independent assessments conducted throughout the years revealed that DOE had not implemented seven required measures for its Insider Threat Program. Nearly 50 findings and recommendations were made by independent reviewers to help DOE fully implement its program. This article continues to discuss key points from the GAO report on the DOE monitoring potential insider threats to US nuclear security.
NextGov reports "Unmonitored Networks Put US Nuclear Arsenal at Risk, GAO Finds"