"Quantum Technology for Mobile Phone Encryption Is Coming"
In a few years, the protection of communication with quantum encryption is expected to become a permanent feature of mobile phones, thus preventing communication hacking. The technology has already been demonstrated in large data transfers in Denmark's financial sector. Now, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) spin-out company Alea Quantum Technologies has developed a quantum mechanical random number generator that can be produced at a low cost and support the encryption of 4GB per second. A chip variant of the technology can be created. Alea Quantum Technologies' random number generator stems from research conducted by the quantum information group at DTU Physics and the basic research center bigQ. Five years ago, the researchers devised a random number generator based on a laser diode and a detector. Random numbers are formed through measurements of the vacuum fluctuations of laser light. Alea Quantum Technologies has developed a prototype of this technology, which DTU patented. This article continues to discuss the quantum mechanical random number generator that must be reduced to chip size to be included in the electronics of mobile phones.