"Rise of the Script Kiddie: A Tenth of Children Say They Can Hack Websites"

One in ten children believe they can hack into websites and online accounts, but only 8 percent of parents are concerned about this possible issue. Censuswide surveyed 500 children in the UK aged 12 to 17. Less than half of parents (44 percent) limit their children's Internet access, indicating that technically savvy children have ample opportunities to test and refine their hacking skills. According to researchers, the problem arises when children view hacking as a "victimless crime." Six out of ten children said they would feel guilty if they stole money from a parent's wallet or purse, but only half of that proportion would feel remorseful if they used someone else's credit card information to make online purchases. Researchers have noted that an increasing number of children are exposed to online hacking groups who could lure them into cybercriminal activities. This article continues to discuss survey findings regarding the rise in child hackers as well as one participant who got into hacking at the age of 12 and was able to take control of his school's computers. 

Cybernews reports "Rise of the Script Kiddie: A Tenth of Children Say They Can Hack Websites"

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