"Iran Spyware Breached and Exposed by GhostSec"
The GhostSec hacktivist group claims to have compromised the FANAP Behnama software, exposing 20GB of data, including face recognition and motion detection systems the Iranian government allegedly uses to monitor and track its citizens. GhostSec is suspected to be an offshoot of the larger Anonymous hacktivist group that emerged around 2015 as a separate entity, seemingly in response to the ISIS terrorist attacks in France that same year. Since then, it claims to have sabotaged hundreds of websites and social media accounts promoting Islamist extremism. This article continues to discuss the GhostSec hacktivist group claiming to have taken down the "Iran regime's very own privacy-invading software."
Cybernews reports "Iran Spyware Breached and Exposed by GhostSec"