Advancing Network Survivability and Reliability: Integrating XAI-Enhanced Autoencoders and LDA for Effective Detection of Unknown Attacks

This study presents a novel approach for fortifying network security systems, crucial for ensuring network reliability and survivability against evolving cyber threats. Our approach integrates Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) with an en-semble of autoencoders and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) to create a robust framework for detecting both known and elusive zero-day attacks. We refer to this integrated method as AE- LDA. Our method stands out in its ability to effectively detect both known and previously unidentified network intrusions. By employing XAI for feature selection, we ensure improved inter-pretability and precision in identifying key patterns indicative of network anomalies. The autoencoder ensemble, trained on benign data, is adept at recognising a broad spectrum of network behaviours, thereby significantly enhancing the detection of zero-day attacks. Simultaneously, LDA aids in the identification of known threats, ensuring a comprehensive coverage of potential network vulnerabilities. This hybrid model demonstrates superior performance in anomaly detection accuracy and complexity management. Our results highlight a substantial advancement in network intrusion detection capabilities, showcasing an effective strategy for bolstering network reliability and resilience against a diverse range of cyber threats.

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