BAPFAS: Black Box Approximated Fast Sign Adversarial Samples

With the increasing deployment of machine learning models across various domains, ensuring AI security has become a critical concern. Model evasion, a specific area of concern, involves attackers manipulating a model s predictions by perturbing the input data. The Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) is a well-known technique for model evasion, typically used in white-box settings where the attacker has direct access to the model s architecture. In this method, the attacker intelligently manipulates the inputs to cause mispredictions by accessing the gradients of the input. To address the limitations of FGSM in black-box settings, we propose an extension of this approach called FGSM on ZOO. This method leverages the Zeroth Order Optimization (ZOO) technique to intellectually manipulate the inputs. Unlike white-box attacks, black-box attacks rely solely on observing the model s input-output behavior without access to its internal structure or parameters. We conducted experiments using the MNIST Digits and CIFAR datasets to establish a baseline for vulnerability assessment and to explore future prospects for securing models. By examining the effectiveness of FGSM on ZOO in these experiments, we gain insights into the potential vulnerabilities and the need for improved security measures in AI systems

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