Clean-label Backdoor Attack on Machine Learning-based Malware Detection Models and Countermeasures

In recent years, machine learning technology has been extensively utilized, leading to increased attention to the security of AI systems. In the field of image recognition, an attack technique called clean-label backdoor attack has been widely studied, and it is more difficult to detect than general backdoor attacks because data labels do not change when tampering with poisoning data during model training. However, there remains a lack of research on malware detection systems. Some of the current work is under the white-box assumption that requires knowledge of machine learning-based models which can be advantageous for attackers. In this study, we focus on clean-label backdoor attacks in malware detection systems and propose a new clean-label backdoor attack under the black-box assumption that does not require knowledge of machine learning-based models, which is riskier. The experimental evaluation of the proposed attack method shows that the attack success rate is up to 80.50\% when the poisoning rate is 14.00\%, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed attack method. In addition, we experimentally evaluated the effectiveness of the dimensionality reduction techniques in preventing clean-label backdoor attacks, and showed that it can reduce the attack success rate by 76.00\%.

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