A Comprehensive Review of Various Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

MANET Attack Prevention - Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETS) have gained much attention due to their dynamic nature and efficiency. These networks are operated in highly dynamic and unpredictable environment. Rapid advances in the field of correspondence have vastly enhanced today's transmission networks. As a result, the measurement of data transmission in business and military applications has grown dramatically. Since these applications include the transmission of information, the need for security concerns has grown as well. Due to their dynamic nature, they are susceptible to various attacks. The lack of a centralized authority to supervise the individual nodes operating in the network makes security in the mobile adhoc network a major challenge. Attacks can originate both within and outside the network. In this paper, a survey of various attacks in MANETs and their prevention and mitigation techniques given by researchers have been presented.

Year of Publication
Conference Name
2022 6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)
Date Published
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