Cyber Security Challenges and Proactive Measures in Education Cyberspace

Right to education is a basic need of every child and every society across the globe. Ever since the internet revolution and technological upgradation takes place, education system starts evolving from traditional way to smarter way. Covid-19 and industrial revolution has made smart education a global business that is now even penetrating to rural footprints of remote locations. Use of smart devices, IoT based communications and AI techniques have increased the cyberattack surface over the smart education system. Moreover, lack of cyber awareness and absence of essential cyber sanity checks has exposed the vulnerability in smart education system. A study of technology evolution of education to smart education and its penetration across the globe, details of smart education ecosystem, role of various stakeholders are discussed in this paper. It also covers most trending cyber-attacks, history of reported cyber-attacks in smart education sector. Further, in order to make smart educational cyber space more secure, proactive preventive measures and cyber sanity actions to mitigate such attacks are also discussed.

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