A Detailed Study on Adversarial Attacks and Defense Mechanisms on Various Deep Learning Models

With the increased computational efficiency, Deep Neural Network gained more importance in the area of medical diagnosis. Nowadays many researchers have noticed the security concerns of various deep neural network models used for the clinical applications. However an efficient model misbehaves frequently when it confronted with intentionally modified data samples, called adversarial examples. These adversarial examples generated with some imperceptible perturbations, but can fool the DNNs to give false predictions. Thus, various adversarial attacks and defense methods certainly stand out from both AI and security networks and have turned into a hot exploration point lately. Adversarial attacks can be expected in various applications of deep learning model especially in healthcare area for disease prediction or classification. It should be properly handled with effective defensive mechanisms or else it may be a great threat to human life. This literature work will help to notice various adversarial attacks and defensive mechanisms. In the field of clinical analysis, this paper gives a detailed research on adversarial approaches on deep neural networks. This paper starts with the speculative establishments, various techniques, and utilization of adversarial attacking strategies. The contributions by the various researchers for the defensive mechanisms against adversarial attacks were also discussed. A few open issues and difficulties are accordingly discussed about, which might incite further exploration endeavors.

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