Hardware Root-of-Trust Design Based on on-chip PUF for AIoT Applications

With the popularization of AIoT applications, every endpoint device is facing information security risks. Thus, how to ensure the security of the device becomes essential. Chip security is divided into software security and hardware security, both of which are indispensable and complement each other. Hardware security underpins the entire cybersecurity ecosystem by proving essential primitives, including key provisioning, hardware cryptographic engines, hardware unique key (HUK), and unique identification (UID). This establishes a Hardware Root of Trust (HRoT) with secure storage, secure operation, and a secure environment to provide a trustworthy foundation for chip security. Today s talk starts with how to use a Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) to generate a unique “fingerprint” (static random number) for the chip. Next, we will address using a static random number and dynamic entropy to design a high-performance true random number generator and achieve real anti-tampering HRoT by leveraging static and dynamic entropy. By integrating NISTstandard cryptographic engines, we have created an authentic PUF-based Hardware Root of Trust. The all-in-one integrated solution can handle all the necessary security functions throughout the product life cycle as well as maintaining a secure boundary to achieve the integrity of sensitive information or assets. Finally, as hardware-level protection extends to operating systems and applications, products and services become secure.

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