Implementation of Quantum Cryptography for Securing IoT Devices

The globe is observing the emergence of the Internet of Things more prominently recognized as IoT. In this day and age, there exist numerous technological apparatuses that possess the capability to be interconnected with the internet and can amass, convey, and receive information concerning the users. This technology endeavors to simplify existence, however, when the users information is the central concern for IoT operation, it is necessary to adhere to security measures to guarantee privacy and prevent the exploitation of said information. The customary cryptographic algorithms, such as RSA, AES, and DES, may perform adequately with older technologies such as conventional computers or laptops. Nevertheless, contemporary technologies are heading towards quantum computing, and this latter form possesses a processing capability that can effortlessly jeopardize the aforementioned cryptographic algorithms. Therefore, there arises an imperative necessity for a novel and resilient cryptographic algorithm. To put it differently, there is a requirement to devise a fresh algorithm, impervious to quantum computing, that can shield the information from assaults perpetrated utilizing quantum computing. IoT is one of the domains that must ensure the security of the information against malevolent activities. Besides the conventional cryptography that enciphers information into bits, quantum encryption utilizes qubits, specifically photons and photon polarization, to encode data.

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