An Improved Reputation Based Approach for Malicious Node Detection System in Manet

MANET Attack Detection - The current stady is confined in proposing a reputation based approach for detecting malicious activity where past activities of each node is recorded for future reference. It has been regarded that the Mobile ad-hoc network commonly called as (MANET) is stated as the critical wireless network on the mobile devices using self related assets. Security considered as the main challenge in MANET. Many existing work has done on the basis of detecting attacks by using various approaches like Intrusion Detection, Bait detection, Cooperative malicious detection and so on. In this paper some approaches for identifying malicious nodes has been discussed. But this Reputation based approach mainly focuses on sleuthing the critcal nodes on the trusted path than the shortest path. Each node will record the activity of its own like data received from and Transferred to information. As soon as a node update its activity it is verified and a trust factor is assigned. By comparing the assigned trust factor a list of suspicious or malicious node is created.

Year of Publication
Conference Name
2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)
Date Published
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