Predictive Risk and Complexity Score Assessment Model for Cloud Computing

With the rapid growth in information technology and being called the Digital Era, it is very evident that no one can survive without internet or ICT advancements. The day-to-day life operations and activities are dependent on these technologies. The latest technology trends in the market and industry are computing power, Smart devices, artificial intelligence, Robotic process automation, metaverse, IOT (Internet of things), cloud computing, Edge computing, Block chain and much more in the coming years. When looking at all these aspect and advancements, one common thing is cloud computing and data which must be protected and safeguarded which brings in the need for cyber/cloud security. Hence cloud security challenges have become an omnipresent concern for organizations or industries of any size where it has gone from a small incident to threat landscape. When it comes to data and cyber/ cloud security there are lots of challenges seen to safeguard these data. Towards that it is necessary that everyone must be aware of the latest technological advancements, evolving cyber threats, data as a valuable asset, Human Factor, Regulatory compliance, Cyber resilience. To handle all these challenges, security and risk prediction framework is proposed in this paper. This framework PRCSAM (Predictive Risk and Complexity Score Assessment Model) will consider factors like impact and likelihood of the main risks, threats and attacks that is foreseen in cloud security and the recommendation of the Risk management framework with automatic risk assessment and scoring option catering to Information security and privacy risks. This framework will help management and organizations in making informed decisions on the cyber security strategy as this is a data driven, dynamic \& proactive approach to cyber security and its complexity calculation. This paper also discusses on the prediction techniques using Generative AI techniques.

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