A Research on DNA and RSA Cryptography for Hybrid Encryption and Decryption for Cloud Processing via IOT Devices

A hybrid cryptosystem is developed in the paper “Hybrid Data Encryption and Decryption Using Hybrid RSA and DNA” by combining the advantages of asymmetric-key (public-key) and symmetric-key (private-key) cryptosystems. These two types of cryptosystems use a variety of key types. The approach addresses worries about the users right to privacy, authentication, and accuracy by using a data encryption procedure that is secure both ways. Data encoding and data decryption are two separate security techniques used by the system. It has been suggested that a hybrid encryption algorithm be used for file encryption to handle the issues with efficiency and security. RSA and DNA are combined in this method. The outcome so the tests show that the RSA and DNA hybrid encryption algorithms are suitable for use. In this particular study effort, the hybrid encryption and decoding for cloud processing with IOT devices used the DNA and RSA algorithms.

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