A Virtualized Security for Industry 4.0

The innovation introduced by connectivity brings about significant changes in the industrial environment leading to the fourth industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0. However, the integration and connectivity between industrial systems have significantly increased the risks and cyberattack surfaces. Nowadays, Virtualization is added to the security field to provide maximum protection against toxic attacks at minimum costs. Combining paradigms such as Software Defined Networking (SDN), and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) can improve virtualization performance through Openness (unified control of heterogeneous hardware and software resources), Flexibility (remote management and rapid response to changing demands), and Scalability (a faster cycle of innovative services deployment). The present paper proposes a Virtualized Security for Industry 4.0 (ViSI4.0), based on both SDN and Network Security Function Virtualisation (NSFV), to prevent attacks on Cyber-Physical System (CPS). Since industrial devices are limited in memory and processing, vNSFs are deployed as Docker containers. We conducted experiments to evaluate the performances of IIoT applications when using virtualized security services. Results showed that many real-time IIoT applications are still within their latency tolerance range. However, the additional delays introduced by virtualization have an impact on IIoT applications with very strict delays.

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