Zero Trust Security Framework for IoT Actuators

While the introduction of cyber physical systems (CPS) into society is progressing toward the realization of Society 5.0, the threat of cyberattacks on IoT devices(IoT actuators) that have actuator functions to bring about physical changes in the real world among the IoT devices that constitute the CPS is increasing. In order to prepare for unauthorized control of IoT actuators caused by cyberattacks that are evolving daily, such as zero-day attacks that exploit unknown vulnerabilities in programs, it is an urgent issue to strengthen the CPS, which will become the social infrastructure of the future. In this paper, I explain, in particular, the security requirements for IoT actuators that exert physical action as feedback from cyberspace to the physical space, and a security framework for control that changes the real world, based on changes in cyberspace, where attackers are persistently present. And, I propose a security scheme for IoT actuators that integrates a new concept of security known as Zero Trust, as the Zero Trust IoT Security Framework (ZeTiots-FW).

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