"21% of SMBs Do Not Have a Data Backup or Disaster Recovery Solution in Place"

A survey conducted by Infrascale to which more than 500 C-level executives responded, reveals that 21% of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) do not have solutions in place to protect the data they store and handle. Cyberattacks remain a significant data protection concern among SMB leaders, with nearly half of the survey respondents highlighting hacking as a threat to their data. Micro disasters, including hard drive data corruption and malware infection, follow behind hacking as a common concern. SMBs need to have data protection solutions in place as they rely on data and the continuous functioning of operations for survival, especially during crises such as the coronavirus pandemic during which cybercriminals exploit fear to launch more cyberattacks. This article continues to discuss the results from the survey regarding different interpretations of data protection, the variation of opinions about data protection by industry, common data protection concerns among SMB leaders, and the importance of having solutions in place to secure SMB data.

Help Net Security reports "21% of SMBs Do Not Have a Data Backup or Disaster Recovery Solution in Place"

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