"41% of Businesses Had an API Security Incident Last Year"
Web Application Program Interfaces (APIs) have grown as integrated web and mobile-based offerings require more data sharing across products. Security challenges such as broken authentication, accidental disclosure, or the breach of data come with the increased dependence on APIs. A 451 Research and Noname Security report highlights key characteristics and security risks associated with API usage and the benefits of taking a holistic approach to API security. The report includes results from a survey of IT experts from more than 350 global companies in different industries. Responses reveal that API usage is heavy, with an average of 15,564 APIs in use by survey respondent organizations, and a growth rate of 201 percent over the past 12 months. Of the organizations represented by survey respondents, 41 percent had an API security incident within the last 12 months, 63 percent of which said the incident involved a data breach or data loss. Over 30 percent of the survey respondents revealed that API security concerns have resulted in the delay of projects. More than 80 percent of those participants believe more effective integration of API security testing into developer pipeline activities could have prevented the delays. This article continues to discuss key findings from the report on the characteristics and security risks present in API usage.
Help Net Security reports "41% of Businesses Had an API Security Incident Last Year"