"6 Takeaways from Ransomware Attacks in Q1"

Although there has been a decrease in the number of ransomware attacks, the intensity of such attacks have grown in that ransom payments are higher, downtime loss is greater, and the recovery time is longer. According to a new report released by Coverware in which the findings of a study on ransomware attacks in the first quarter of 2019 are presented, victims are being demanded to pay more, ransomware attacks are becoming less automated, manufacturing companies have become a more attractive target for ransomware attacks, downtime caused by ransomware is increasing, and more. In order for organizations to defend against ransomware attacks, multiple layers of security in addition to access restriction and backups must be implemented. This article continues to discuss six trends observed from ransomware attacks launched so far in 2019. 

Dark Reading reports "6 Takeaways from Ransomware Attacks in Q1"


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