"60% of Businesses Would Consider Paying a Ransomware Demand"

A new study by researchers at Neustar International Security Council (NISC) surveyed 304 senior professionals across six EMEA and US markets. The researchers found that three in five (60%) of organizations would consider paying an extortion demand in the event of a ransomware attack. The research also revealed that one in five businesses would be prepared to spend 20% or more of their annual revenue to restore their systems in these situations. Many participants (80%) emphasized defending against ransomware attacks in light of current events, and more than two-thirds (69%) saw ransomware as a growing threat to their organization, making it the top concern across more than a dozen attack vectors. The participants were also asked for their views on the effectiveness of currently available security technologies in protecting against ransomware. Close to three-quarters (74%) stated they were either ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ sufficient, while 26% viewed the technologies as ‘somewhat’ or ‘very’ insufficient.


Infosecurity reports: "60% of Businesses Would Consider Paying a Ransomware Demand"

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