"Addressing the Cybersecurity Talent Gap: New Programs From (ISC)2"

The global cybersecurity nonprofit organization (ISC)2 has announced three new initiatives to address the cybersecurity workforce gap, combat burnout among existing cyber talent, and enable businesses to stay ahead of hackers. According to the most recent (ISC)2 Cybersecurity Workforce Study, the global cybersecurity workforce must grow by 65 percent in order to effectively defend organizations' critical assets. To help close a more than 2.7-million-person workforce gap, the nonprofit has launched three new initiatives, which include the (ISC)2 Certified in Cybersecurity certification, (ISC)2 One Million Certified in Cybersecurity program, and (ISC)2 Candidate program. (ISC)2 has been working on these programs for nearly a year, according to Clar Rosso, CEO of (ISC)2. They supplement the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification and work through the Center for Cyber Safety and Education. The new initiatives are being launched amid significant growth in cyberattacks, which are becoming increasingly sophisticated and costly as the average cost of a data breach this year is up to $4.35 million. This article continues to discuss (ISC) 2's new initiatives aimed at addressing the cybersecurity talent gap.   

VB reports "Addressing the Cybersecurity Talent Gap: New Programs From (ISC)2"

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