"Advanced Hackers Are Infecting IT Providers in Hopes of Hitting Their Customers"

Researchers with the Symantec Attack Investigation Team recently discovered a new hacking group, called Tortoiseshell, which has infected 11 IT providers. According to researchers, the previously undocumented group uses custom and off-the-shelf hacking tools in the launch of their attacks. The planning and implementation of attacks by the Tortoiseshell group indicates that this group is highly skilled and well-resourced. Tortoiseshell has been successful in gaining domain level access to two of the 11 IT providers' networks, allowing connected machines to be controlled by the group. This article continues to discuss the tools, operations, targets, and impact of the Tortoiseshell hacking group. 

Ars Technica reports "Advanced Hackers Are Infecting IT Providers in Hopes of Hitting Their Customers"

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