"AI Catches Phish on Day Zero - AI-Driven Approach for Robust Real-Time Detection of Zero-Day Phishing Websites"

A new study introduces an innovative approach to addressing the ongoing challenge of zero-day phishing attacks in cybersecurity. Zero-day threats exploit previously unknown vulnerabilities in software, networks, and computer systems before a patch or update is made. Thomas Nagunwa from the Department of Computer Science at the Institute of Finance Management in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, has proposed a Machine Learning (ML) model for detecting these emerging and ever-changing threats in real-time. This article continues to discuss the study "AI-Driven Approach for Robust Real-Time Detection of Zero-Day Phishing Websites."

Inderscience reports "AI Catches Phish on Day Zero - AI-Driven Approach for Robust Real-Time Detection of Zero-Day Phishing Websites"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on