"Akamai Stopped New Record-Breaking DDoS Attack in Europe"
The cybersecurity and cloud services company Akamai stopped a new record-breaking Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack on September 12. DDoS attacks overwhelm servers with fake requests and garbage traffic, rendering them unavailable to legitimate visitors. According to Akamai, the recent attack appears to be the work of the same threat actor who launched the previous record-breaking DDoS attack in July, meaning that the operators are further empowering their swarm. The victim is also the same as in July, which is an unnamed customer in Eastern Europe who has been constantly bombarded by DDoS operatives. These attacks reached unprecedented heights on September 12 when garbage traffic sent to the target network peaked at 704.8 Mpps, nearly 7 percent higher than the July attack. Aside from the volume of the attack, the threat actors broadened their previously narrow targeting, focusing on the company's primary data center. The new DDoS attack targeted six data center sites in Europe and North America. In addition, Akamai detected and blocked 201 attacks, up from 75 in July, and recorded traffic sources from 1813 IPs, up from 512 previously. This article continues to discuss the new record-breaking DDoS attack recently blocked by Akamai.
Bleeping Computer reports "Akamai Stopped New Record-Breaking DDoS Attack in Europe"