"Akamai Thwarted The Biggest DDoS Attack in Europe"
The largest Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack to ever affect Europe was launched this month and was directed at a corporation in Eastern Europe. The target, an Akamai customer who receives cybersecurity and cloud services, has been subjected to many DDoS attacks over the past 30 days. DDoS attacks have become more frequent since the beginning of the year as attackers try to prevent victims from using digital services by flooding them with traffic and requests that overwhelm resources and render them inoperable. The record-breaking attack allegedly took place on July 21st, according to a report recently published by Akamai. In less than 14 hours, it reached its peak of 853.7 Gbps (gigabits per second) and 659.6 Mpps (million packets per second). The company withheld the client's information but asserted that it was able to reduce the attack, which was directed at a number of IP addresses, and was the victim of 75 DDoS attacks in the previous 30 days. A User Datagram Protocol (UDP) flood was the most prevalent vector, and it was also the one that was visible in both record spikes. Numerous other methods were used, including UDP fragmentation, ICMP flooding, RESET flooding, SYN requests flooding, TCP anomalies, TCP fragments, PSH ACK flooding, FIN pushing flooding, and PUSH flooding. The DDoS attacks, according to Akamai, were produced by a highly sophisticated worldwide botnet of infected machines. This article continues to discuss the massive DDoS attack against a company in Eastern Europe.
CyberIntelMag reports "Akamai Thwarted The Biggest DDoS Attack in Europe"