"Alabama Hospitals Pay Out in Ransomware Attack Amid FBI Warning of More to Come"

It has been discovered that Alabama-based DCH Health System paid off the hackers behind a ransomware attack that severely disrupted operations at three hospitals.  The specific ransomware variant involved in the attack is called Ryuk.  Ryuk has recently become a global threat. There is good evidence that Ryuk attacks may be coordinated by a single cybercrime group based out of Russia known as GRIM SPIDER. Ransomware attacks are becoming more targeted, sophisticated, and costly, even as the overall frequency of attacks remains consistent. It is suggested that one does not pay the ransom if affected by ransomware, because sometimes the attacker does not give the person affected the key to decrypt their files, and sometimes the attacker will perform a ransomware attack again on the same individual in the future, because they know that the person is more likely to pay the ransom, since they already had before.  

GIZMODO reports: "Alabama Hospitals Pay Out in Ransomware Attack Amid FBI Warning of More to Come"


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