"ALPHV/BlackCat Dangles Threat to Critical Infrastructure After Allegedly 'Unseizing' Site From FBI"

The ransomware gang ALPHV/BlackCat has announced that its network of affiliates can now target nuclear power plants, hospitals, and critical infrastructure. The move is a response to recent FBI enforcement activity. ALPHV/BlackCat made the announcement on its leak website, which had been offline since December 7, when it was believed to have been shut down by law enforcement. The previously closed ALPHV/BlackCat website briefly displayed an FBI seizure notice. However, the website then displayed a note from the ransomware group claiming that the website had been "unseized." The Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) group's actions were most likely prompted by the FBI's announcement that it had seized several websites operated by ALPHV/BlackCat. The FBI also stated that it had created a decryption tool to help ALPHV/BlackCat victims in data recovery. This article continues to discuss recent updates regarding the ALPHV/BlackCat group.

SC Magazine reports "ALPHV/BlackCat Dangles Threat to Critical Infrastructure After Allegedly 'Unseizing' Site From FBI"

Submitted by grigby1

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on