"Android Phone Makers Improve Patching Practices"

According to a new report released by Security Research Labs, there has been a significant improvement in Android smartphone manufacturers' patching hygiene. Improvements have been seen in the frequency and speed at which vendors are delivering security patches. However, the Android ecosystem remains fragmented as only 30% of the devices observed by Security Research Labs were running Android 9 or newer in 2019, while 40% ran Android 8, and 30% ran Android 7. The security firm finds that vendors still patch their most widely deployed Android versions faster than less-widely deployed versions. While improvements have been made to patching practices, a patch gap still exists due to the complexity of the Android ecosystem and the number of Android versions that each vendor supports. This article continues to discuss findings from the patching analysis of major Android vendors.  

Security Week reports "Android Phone Makers Improve Patching Practices"



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