"Aviation Industry Playing Catch Up on Cybersecurity"

The aviation industry continues to grow in connectivity and digitalization, which increases the risk of cyberattacks on aircraft computer systems. A new report from the Atlantic Council highlights the need to implement cybersecurity into frameworks focussed on governance accountability for flight safety, security, and more. Findings of a survey conducted together with the report to which 244 aviation industry members responded, show that there are major concerns about the effectiveness of existing cybersecurity and standards, as well as the lack of global standards for cybersecurity practices in the aviation sector. The aviation industry is encouraged to support and adopt the cybersecurity strategy developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to establish a baseline for cybersecurity standards and practices for aviation organizations. The ICAO strategy touches on international cooperation, governance, information sharing, security awareness training, and other pillars aimed at improving the resilience of the civilian aviation sector against cyberattacks. This article continues to discuss the importance of protecting aircraft computer systems, the ICAO strategy, and efforts that are being made to bolster aviation security. 

FCW reports "Aviation Industry Playing Catch Up on Cybersecurity"

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