Call for Papers: MODELS 2025
October 5-10th, 2025
Michigan, United States
MODELS, the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, is the premier conference series for model-based software and systems engineering. Since 1998 MODELS has covered all aspects of modeling, from languages and methods to tools and applications. MODELS participants originate from a wide variety of backgrounds, including researchers, academics, engineers, and industry professionals.
MODELS 2025 is a forum for participants to share the latest research and practical experiences around modeling, modeling languages, and model-based software and systems engineering. Respective contributions advance the fundamentals of modeling and report applications of modeling in areas such as cyber-physical systems, embedded systems, socio-technical systems, cloud computing, big data, machine learning, security, open source, and sustainability.
Important Dates
All submission dates are at 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
- Abstract Submission: March 27, 2025
- Paper Submission: April 3, 2025
- Author responses: June 3–5, 2025
- Author notification: June 24, 2025
- Camera Ready Due: August 7, 2025
Submission deadlines are hard, i.e., there will be no submission deadline extensions.
Topics of Interest
MODELS 2025 solicits submissions on a variety of topics related to modeling for software and systems engineering including, but not limited to:
- Fundamentals of model-based engineering, including the definition of syntax and semantics of modeling languages and model transformation languages.
- New paradigms, formalisms, applications, approaches, frameworks, or processes for model-based engineering such as low code/no-code development, digital twins, etc.
- Definition, use, and analysis of model-based generative and re-engineering approaches.
- Model-based monitoring, analysis, and adaptation heading towards intelligent systems.
- Development of model-based systems engineering approaches and modeling-in-the-large, including interdisciplinary engineering and coordination.
- Applications of AI to model-related engineering problems, e.g., approaches based on search, machine learning, large language models (AI for modeling).
- Model-based engineering foundations for AI-based systems (modeling for AI).
- Human and organizational factors in model-based engineering.
- Tools, meta-tools, and language workbenches for model-based engineering, including model management and scalable model repositories.
- Hybrid multi-modeling approaches, i.e., integration of various modeling languages and their tools.
- Evaluation and comparison of modeling languages, techniques, and tools.
- Quality assurance (analysis, testing, verification, fidelity assessment) for functional and non-functional properties of models and model transformations.
- Collaborative modeling to address team management issues, e.g., browser-based and cloud-enabled collaboration.
- Evolution of modeling languages and related standards.
- Modeling education, e.g., delivery methods and curriculum design.
- Modeling in software engineering, e.g., applications of models to address common software engineering challenges.
- Modeling for specific challenges such as collaboration, scalability, security, interoperability, adaptability, flexibility, maintainability, dependability, reuse, energy efficiency, sustainability, and uncertainty.
- Modeling with, and for, novel systems and paradigms in fields such as security, cyber-physical systems (CPSs), the Internet of Things, cloud computing, DevOps, blockchain technology, data analytics, data science, machine learning, Big Data, systems engineering, socio-technical systems, critical infrastructures and services, robotics, mobile applications, conversational agents, and open-source software.
- Empirical studies on the application of model-based engineering in areas such as smart manufacturing, smart cities, smart enterprises, smart mobility, smart society, etc.
As in previous years, MODELS 2025 offers two tracks for technical papers: the Foundations Track and the Practice Track. A detailed description of these tracks can be found below from their respective links.
- Foundations Track:
- Practice Track:
This year, the New and Emerging Ideas (NEIR) track will be a separate track
with its deadlines:
Please find details here: