"Cerberus Banking Trojan Unleashed on Google Play"

Researchers first spotted Cerberus malware last August, and it was being offered in a malware-as-a-service (MaaS) model. Since then, a newly discovered variant of the Cerberus Android trojan has been spotted. The malware has become much more sophisticated and has more info-harvesting capabilities.  Researchers found a malicious Android app on the Google Play app marketplace that distributes the banking trojan, Cerberus.  The application is called "Calculadora de Mondea" and is a Spanish currency converter app.  The Cerberus malware can steal a user's banking credentials, bypass security measures, including two-factor authentication and access text messages.  The application has been downloaded 10,000 times so far.  Cerberus malware disguises itself as an genuine app to access the banking details of unsuspecting users. 

Threatpost reports: "Cerberus Banking Trojan Unleashed on Google Play"

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