"China-Backed Hackers Target Biden Campaign in Early Sign of 2020 Election Interference"

Google recently announced that earlier this month, on June 4th, an APT group targeted Biden's campaign staff with phishing attempts.  The group behind the attacks is called APT31, also known as Zirconium.  Zirconium is a Chinese state-sponsored hacking group that has been active since early 2016. Historically this group has targeted foreign companies to steal intellectual property and has also targeted diplomatic entities in the past.  The adversaries did not appear to compromise the campaign's security.  Analysts believe that China's primary motive for breaking into a campaign is to collect intelligence, such as Biden's proposals for U.S. policy on China.  The adversaries could, later on, use the stolen information to interfere in the campaign itself.  

Homeland Security News Wire reports: "China-Backed Hackers Target Biden Campaign in Early Sign of 2020 Election Interference"

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