"CISA Seeks Information for Potential Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform"
On behalf of the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the General Services Administration (GSA) requested information on the availability of Threat Intelligence Enterprise Services (TIES) to the agency in developing Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) capabilities. According to CISA, there are existing barriers to the federal cyber ecosystem throughout the CTI lifecycle, such as fragmented threat information, which impairs analysts' ability to make informed decisions about these risks, as well as CTI that is currently distributed across multiple feeds in various data formats. Participants in that intelligence-sharing environment have varying levels of cyber maturity. CISA also stated that the federal cyber ecosystem must improve CTI tools and services, along with their procurement, while also developing CTI maturity assessments and roadmaps. The ecosystem must also raise awareness and centralize CTI requirements. As a result, CISA is collaborating to develop TIES, which will provide customers with CTI services, standards, and guidance on CTI generation, use, and sharing. The Request For Information (RFI) will help the government conduct market research to identify potential offers and gather industry feedback. According to the RFI, the industry would help in the development or configuration of a CTI exchange platform, which would then be integrated with customized CISA applications and a feed for commercial threats. The CTI capabilities will be made available to federal, intelligence community, state, and law enforcement customers as a collection of enterprise services. This article continues to discuss the request that will help CISA develop a platform to address current challenges related to CTI.
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