"A Cisco Router Bug Has Massive Global Implications"

Security researchers at Red Balloon have discovered two vulnerabilities in the Cisco 1001-X series router. Cisco's 1001-X routers are used for connectivity at stock exchanges, local malls, corporate offices, and more. The exploitation of these security flaws could allow hackers to steal the data that passes through the routers. These bugs are significant in that they enable hackers to remotely gain root access to routers and circumvent the security protection, Trust Anchor, which has been built into most of Cisco's enterprise devices since 2013. According to researchers, the techniques used to bypass Trust Anchor could be used by attackers to infiltrate the networks in which these devices are connected. This article continues to discuss the vulnerabilities and the potential impact that these flaws could have on institutions, along with some concerns surrounding the mitigation of the vulnerabilities and the research conducted behind these discoveries. 

Wired reports "A Cisco Router Bug Has Massive Global Implications"

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