"Combination of Techniques Could Improve Security for IoT Devices"

A team of researchers at Penn State World Camp have developed an approach consisting of a combination of different techniques to bolster the security of Internet of Things (IoT) devices such a smart TVs, smart speakers, wearables, and home video cameras. According to one researcher, the number of IoT devices in operation will reach 20 billion by 2020, which increases the vulnerability of users to security breaches. The breach of IoT devices could pose a threat to the privacy and safety of users. The approach created by the researchers to identify attacks and maintain the security of IoT systems involves the use of statistical data, machine learning, intrusion detection tools, visualization tools, and more. This article continues to discuss the techniques and tools applied in the team's approach, as well as how this approach will help security professionals strengthen IoT device security.  

EurekAlert! reports "Combination of Techniques Could Improve Security for IoT Devices"

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