"Comcast TV Remote Hack Opens Homes to Snooping"

Researchers have discovered a security flaw that affects Comcast's XR11, a popular voice-activated remote control for cable TV, which has more than 18 million units deployed across the U.S. The adversary could use the vulnerability to take the controller over.  The researchers are dubbing the attack WarezTheRemote, and it does not require any interaction from the victim, is extremely cheap to carry out, and can be launched remotely from up to 65 feet away.  Once the adversary controls the TV remote, they can use it to snoop on conversations.  The researchers worked with Comcast's security team after finding the flaw, and fixes have been released that remediate the issues that make the attack possible.  

Threatpost reports: "Comcast TV Remote Hack Opens Homes to Snooping"

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