"Computer Science Researchers Use Machine Learning to Identify and Predict Cyberattacks"

Researchers at the University of Houston are working on improving cybersecurity through Machine Learning (ML). The Department of Defense (DoD) Army Research Office awarded Rakesh Verma and Gopal Pandurangan, computer science professors at the University of Houston College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, a grant in support of research into ML's ability to thwart cyberattacks. They are exploring deceptive attacks such as phishing performed via emailed job scams. They also plan to use ML techniques to identify areas of code that may contain bugs. Another part of the project involves using distributed ML to develop scalable algorithms capable of analyzing large data sets and decentralized ML methods to analyze data without jeopardizing data privacy. This article continues to discuss the researchers' project aimed at strengthening cybersecurity through ML.

The University of Houston reports "Computer Science Researchers Use Machine Learning to Identify and Predict Cyberattacks"

Submitted by grigby1

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